Tulsavirginhair Strict Hare Care
****Proven Product List and Instructions**** Washing
- Dove shampoo & conditioner (intensive repair) this shampoo & conditioner is “Sulfate free” it will not damage you hair only cleanse, moisturize & strengthen it. Your extensions can be washed every two weeks or when needed.Use in combination, shampoo first then conditioner. Washing part 2
- Coconut water conditioner is a 2nd conditioner that is be applied after your first wash. You can finish off with this great product to seal in the softness & ensure silky smooth hair extensions, repair maintenance
- Ion repair solutions is applied to the ends of your extensions, allow this product to saturate for 2-3 minutes, then rinse out thoroughly with warm water. Prep for style
- Iso plus foam wrap moose is used after products #1-#3. You will apply this through out your extensions, next using a wide tooth comb split your hair into 4 sections. After sectioning hair combe whilst to evenly distribute. **note** when detangling your extensions always comb from the bottom and working up, this ensures long lasting hair extensions. Once you have completed this task, allow your extensions to air dry or sit under a hair dryer **set on low heat.** prep for style
- Morraccan aragon oil is used after your extensions have completed air drying, only a small amount is needed.(approximately 1/2 teaspoon) is enough. Use your wide tooth comb to evenly distribute. Styling
- Brazilian keratin flat iron spray (or any water based heat protectant) is used when styling with a ceramic styling tool.**never style with iron with out first applying an heat protectant.** this will help protect your extensions and keep their resilience!